Carmichael Lynch Brands
Carmichael Lynch Brands
Carmichael Lynch
110 North 5th St
Minneapolis MN 55403
United States
(612) 334-6000
110 North 5th St
Minneapolis MN 55403
United States
(612) 334-6000
Carmichael Lynch
Carmichael Lynch was established in 1962, and we've been re-establishing ourselves every day since to deliver the Unfair Ideas that give our clients an unfair advantage.
Because we believe that's what this business requires: a fresh perspective, a new approach, and an interdependent group of people dedicated to taking on whatever new challenge or opportunity the day brings.
That's why we bring a holistic approach to marketing, gathering together the best of all disciplines under one roof. We understand that today's modern companies need a creative partner that works the way they do: fast, open, and collaboratively. Which, done correctly, is itself a little unfair.