NEW SUMMIT CLIMAPLUS CEILING PANELS FROM USG INTERIORSOFFER A FINE-TEXTURED LOOK, DURABILITY AND PERFORMANCEUSG Interiors, Inc. has reached a new peak in ceiling system aesthetics, durability and performance with the introduction of SUMMIT CLIMAPLUS Ceiling Panels.These new cast panels feature a finely textured appearance and an extremely durable surface that resists scrapes and scratches commonly caused by accessing the ceiling plenum. They are nearly three times more impact-resistant than regular finely textured ceiling panels, based on results of the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) D5420 Gardner Impact Test.Available in a 2- by 2-foot size, the ceiling panels offer an excellent combination of noise reduction and sound attenuation. They have a .70 NRC (noise reduction coefficient) rating, and achieve a 40 CAC (ceiling attenuation class) level when installed with USG Interiors' DONN ® Brand FINELINE ® or FINELINE 1/8 Suspension Systems. The panels are offered with a choice of either shadowline bevel or fineline bevel edges. “These new panels are very versatile and ideal for both open-plan and enclosed offices, as well as other areas requiring strong performance characteristics, said Mark Kemerling, USG Interiors' product marketing manager, Ceiling Tile. “The durability of the panels should help retain the ceiling's attractive appearance for many years. Available in a 2- by 2-foot size, the panels also feature excellent light reflectance properties (LR .82), making them a practical choice for all types of interior spaces. Recommended applications include offices, conference and lobby areas, corridors, schools, libraries, convention centers, hotels, healthcare facilities and airports.Thanks to USG Interiors' proprietary non-sag CLIMAPLUS technology, SUMMIT Ceiling Panels are backed by a 15-year system warranty to withstand conditions up to 104 degrees F and 90 percent relative humidity without showing visible sag when used with DONN Brand Suspension Systems.Lightweight and easy to install, the panels require minimal maintenance.