Burke Luxury Vinyl Tiles and Vinyl Wood Planks combine the two most desirable attributes a floor can exhibit – beauty and durability – to give you a floor that's incredibly long-lasting and attractive.The Green StoryBurke Luxury Vinyl is made of 67% post consumer recycled material. Vinyl products that were previously discarded in a landfill are now reclaimed in a propietary process. LEED points are available for these products.The Clean StoryBurke Luxury Vinyl Flooring is manufactured to include new germ killing technology designed to make your facility safer from bacteria such as staph and E.coli, viruses like rhinovirus and molds. NANO-SILVER, extremely small particles of metallic silver, is added to Burke LVT giving a durable antimicrobial action. Silver particles are microscopic, making them invisible to the human eye. It just quietly goes about making businesses and environments safer places to be.