The list price for the Halsey Taylor Marblyteâ„¢ Contourâ„¢ Drinking Fountain (HRFGSEBP-VR) is $2,391.
GENERALTwo face-mounted fountains made of GalaxyGray MarblyteTM solid-surface non-porouspolymer. Contour-formed basin with softlyrounded corners and edges reduces splatter,insures proper drainage and prevents standingwaste water. Designed to be easily accessibleon either side to both physically challengedand able-bodied individuals. Ideally suited forinstallation in public areas. Model meets stateand federal requirements as defined by theAmericans with Disabilities Act.BUBBLERSVandal-resistant bubblers are one-piece,chrome plated, and are secured to fountainwith anti-rotation mounting system. Unithas integral hood guard design to preventcontamination from other users, airbornedeposits and tampering.PUSHBUTTON ACTUATION MECHANISMSelf-closing, vandal-resistant pushbuttons donot require grasping or twisting.AUTOMATIC STREAM HEIGHT REGULATORSelf-closing assembly is located inside unit toprevent tampering. Unit resists corrosion andliming. A constant stream height is automaticallymaintained under line pressures that vary from20 to 105 psi.BOTTOM COVERFountain is equipped with a bottom cover.Cover is secured to the fountain with vandalresistant fasteners.INLET STRAINEREasily cleaned in-line strainer screen trapsparticles of 140 microns or larger before theyenter the waterway.WATER INLET3/8" O.D. TubingDRAIN OUTLET1-1/4" tube outlet for 1-1/4" slip joint connection.SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONSFountain shall include pushbuttons on the front,contour-formed basins to eliminate splashingand standing water, and shall have roundedcorners and edges. Projectors shall be chromeplatedvandal-resistant type with integral hoodguard and anti-squirt feature. Fountain shallcomply with ANSI 117:1 and ADA for visual andmotion disabilities. The