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Marblyte Contour Drinking Fountain (HRFGSEBP-VR)

Platinum Award
Halsey Taylor, America's first manufacturer of water coolers and drinking fountains, introduces a new addition to its Marblyte Contour drinking fountain series. Designed with educational facilities in mind, the new vandal-resistant, bi-level model (HRFGSEBP-VR) features a stylish, contemporary look and is manufactured from Marblyte, a premium non-porous solid surface material, for superior durability. The new fountain is also available as a freeze-resistant model (HRFGSEBP-VR-FR). Since drinking fountains are frequently used and often abused in learning institutions, facility managers can save time and money on costly maintenance, repairs or even replacement by choosing vandal-resistant models that are designed to be virtually unbreakable. Equipped with heavy-duty, vandal-resistant bubblers and easy-to-operate, vandal-resistant push buttons, the new Marblyte Contour fountain can withstand almost any rough handling. In addition, the protective bottom cover plates, manufactured from galvanized steel, are also designed to further safeguard the unit from any damage due to frequent use in high-traffic areas. This barrier-free, ADA-compliant model not only helps facility managers protect equipment while providing healthy, lead-free water, but it also aids in eliminating messes since the contoured basins are designed to minimize splashing and standing water. Featuring smooth, rounded lines and a Galaxy Gray finish on both of the basins and matching back panel, the new Marblyte Contour drinking fountain is a smart addition to any educational facility. In addition, the new fountain is designed for use with Halsey Taylor's new In-Wall Carrier mounting accessories (MPW200 and ML100) to ensure superior support with simplified installation. A drain and trap assembly is also included.


The list price for the Halsey Taylor Marblyteâ„¢ Contourâ„¢ Drinking Fountain (HRFGSEBP-VR) is $2,391.


GENERALTwo face-mounted fountains made of GalaxyGray MarblyteTM solid-surface non-porouspolymer. Contour-formed basin with softlyrounded corners and edges reduces splatter,insures proper drainage and prevents standingwaste water. Designed to be easily accessibleon either side to both physically challengedand able-bodied individuals. Ideally suited forinstallation in public areas. Model meets stateand federal requirements as defined by theAmericans with Disabilities Act.BUBBLERSVandal-resistant bubblers are one-piece,chrome plated, and are secured to fountainwith anti-rotation mounting system. Unithas integral hood guard design to preventcontamination from other users, airbornedeposits and tampering.PUSHBUTTON ACTUATION MECHANISMSelf-closing, vandal-resistant pushbuttons donot require grasping or twisting.AUTOMATIC STREAM HEIGHT REGULATORSelf-closing assembly is located inside unit toprevent tampering. Unit resists corrosion andliming. A constant stream height is automaticallymaintained under line pressures that vary from20 to 105 psi.BOTTOM COVERFountain is equipped with a bottom cover.Cover is secured to the fountain with vandalresistant fasteners.INLET STRAINEREasily cleaned in-line strainer screen trapsparticles of 140 microns or larger before theyenter the waterway.WATER INLET3/8" O.D. TubingDRAIN OUTLET1-1/4" tube outlet for 1-1/4" slip joint connection.SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONSFountain shall include pushbuttons on the front,contour-formed basins to eliminate splashingand standing water, and shall have roundedcorners and edges. Projectors shall be chromeplatedvandal-resistant type with integral hoodguard and anti-squirt feature. Fountain shallcomply with ANSI 117:1 and ADA for visual andmotion disabilities. The

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Oak Brook IL 60601
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