Pilkington's family of low-e glass products range from Pilkington Energy Advantage™ - a clear thermal control solution, to Pilkington Solar E™ – a solar control low-e solution. Our newest innovation and addition to our low-e family is Pilkington Eclipse Advantage™ - optimizing both solar and thermal control while allowing natural daylight to brighten the building's interior environment…and in a full palette of color options! Complementing the low-e family are Pilkington's high performance tints. Arctic Blue™, EverGreen™, and SuperGrey™ provide superior solar control performance in comparison to traditional tinted float glass. Also available are standard glass options in blue-green, bronze, grey, and clear.FeaturesPilkington offers a total glass solution with short lead times and local cutting, insulating, laminating, and tempering for superior aesthetics and superior performance. BenefitsOn commercial buildings, Pilkington products offer substantial energy savings over the building's lifetime whether the site is in the north, south, east, or west.Performance CapabilitiesCombinations of Pilkington Eclipse Advantage, Pilkington Energy Advantage Low-E Glass, or Pilkington Solar E Glass with Pilkington Optifloat™ Clear Glass, tinted float, or high-performance tinted float glass in an I.G. creates a unit that decreases heating and cooling costs without limiting your design creativity.Other Products OfferedPilkington also offers Mirropane T.M.™ Transparent Mirror, Activ™ Self-Cleaning Glass, Pyrostop™ Fire- Rated Safety Glass, Profilit™ Glass Facades, Planar™ Structural Glass Systems, Optiwhite™ Low Iron Float Glass, Med X™ X-Ray Protection, and Texture™ Glass.