When paired with ENCELIUM® Energy Management System, CLM integrated luminaires can be programmed to implement the following Sustainability/Green Features:• Optimize Site/Existing Structure: o Maximize the use of daylight via daylight harvesting strategy.• Optimize Energy Use:o Use of occupancy control, daylight harvesting and time schedule strategies.o By communicating with BMS (BACnet® & Niagaraax interface modules) and can merge with information technology (IT) infrastructures via TCP/IP. o By implementing load shedding via a utility interface.o Fully software configurable & web accessible capability allows comprehensive building commissioning plan throughout the life of the project• Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality:o Utilize high performance lighting controls & LED luminaires to supplement natural lighto Use of daylight harvesting strategy allows the use of daylighting for ambient lighting wherever feasibleo Use of strategies such as personal control and task tuning enable reduced levels of diffused general illumination • Optimize Operational and Maintenance Practices:o Use of time schedule and occupancy control strategies to control lightingo Use of integrated energy reporting software that tracks lighting energy use down to the individual luminaire level
Lightfair 2016 Innovation Award in the “Controls Components, Hardware and Systems” category (http://www.lightfair.com/lightfair/V40/lia/category.cvn?catID=44&viewBy=cat).
Email enceliumcustomerservice@osram.com or visit www.encelium.com
CLM enabled “out-of-the-box” wireless lighting controllable luminaires when paired with ENCELIUM® Energy Management System enable a robust and interoperable network solution that unlocks new and exciting consumer-focused lighting applications.
OSRAM SYLVANIA is part of OSRAM Americas, a group of OSRAM companies located in North and South America. As a leader in lighting solutions and services, specializing in innovative design and energy saving technology, the company sells products for homes, businesses and vehicles under the brand names OSRAM, Traxon, ENCELIUM and SYLVANIA. The company's portfolio covers the entire value chain of components, ranging from lamps, control units and optical semiconductors such as light-emitting diodes (LED) to luminaires, light management systems and lighting solutions. The OSRAM SYLVANIA and OSRAM Americas regional headquarters is located in Wilmington, Massachusetts. For more information, visit www.osram-americas.com or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.