The rarest hardwoods in the world from small sections of Mexico and Belize, V Flooring brings you the elite, the prestige, and the glamour of having the unobtainable. This lavish collection of pristine hardwoods is not for just anybody. It is a collection that separates you from the rest—no apologies. Our featured product is one of V Flooring's most exceptional. 3.125†Katalox Hardwood Flooring 3/8†thick x 3.125†wide x random lengths 12'—42' Engineered 3-layer formatMilled with micro-eased eages and ends11.00mm thick sawn wear layerPre-finished with UV cured high wear stain gloss
For pricing information, please visit us online at www.VFlooring.com, or contact us at info@VFlooring.com.
V Flooring offers you more than exceptional design. It also offers you an earth-friendly flooring option that is endorsed by the Forest Stewardship Council. The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is a global forest certification system that has established internationally recognized standards designed to help regulate the use of forests and forest products. Please visit www.fscus.org for more information about FSC-certification.