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ColorEssence Azterra

Platinum Award
JOHNSONITE® INTRODUCES COLOR ESSENCE AND AZTERRA,TWO NEW VINYL ENHANCED TILE LINES FROM THE AZROCKCOLLECTIONFlooring Solutions Provide Design Flexibility, Durability and Low-Maintenance for Commercial Flooring ApplicationsCHAGRIN FALLS, Ohio (MAY 17, 2011) – Johnsonite®, thecommercial arm of the Tarkett company and provider of the world’smost integrated high-performance flooring system, introduces ColorEssence and Azterra, two innovative new vinyl enhanced tiles (VET) inthe Azrock Collection. Presenting more choices within the company’sintegrated system approach, Color Essence and Azterra are beautiful,durable and low-maintenance, and can fit into an array of designschemes for a multitude of applications.“To ensure that we were effectively meeting specifier needs, Johnsoniteconsulted with designers nationwide from multiple interior industries tohelp develop Color Essence’s coordinating visual and color palette,” saidKathryn Holdridge, Product Manager, Azrock Collection. “The result is arange of new colors and textures that coordinate and interact with ourcollection of trusted solutions in virtually endless ways.”Available in a rich, tone-on-tone palette of 51 colors with sixcoordinating slip resistant tiles, Color Essence offers designers a widespectrum of color options – from light shades that offer high lightreflectance to options with deep and saturated hues. This range ofchoice enables the designer to make full use of Johnsonite’s trademarkcolor-matching capabilities as well as pre-selected trend colors, thuscreating a dynamic design aesthetic throughout numerous segments andinterior applications.Azterra VET was designed to color coordinate with the new ColorEssence tiles as well as with Johnsonite finishing borders, transitions andother finishing accessories. Azterra combines the look of graniteparticles with soft, flowing marble in 14 exciting color choices. Availablein soothing neutral tones as well as cool greens, blues and gray, theJohnsonite®16910 Munn RoadChagrin Falls, OH 44023T 800.899.8916F 440.543.5774subtle terrazzo design of Azterra is ideal for commercial spaces requiringa serene ambiance.In keeping with Johnsonite’s “Triple Bottom Line” concept, ColorEssence and Azterra were developed to not only be aestheticallypleasing, but also be good for the environment, good for people andgood for the bottom line. Both collections are enhanced with Tritonite II,a polyurethane-reinforced construction that requires less initialmaintenance than other commercial flooring, and are able to withstandheavy foot traffic that leads to decreased lifecycle costs and fewer manhoursexpended to keep it looking its best. In a perfect balance betweencost and performance, each tile contains a minimum of six percent postconsumerand up to 23 percent pre-consumer recycled content.Johnsonite offers a double warranty protection with a 10-yearmanufacturing warranty and 10-year limited moisture warranty if theproducts are installed using SpraySmart adhesives. And, SpraySmartadhesives allow the space to be occupied immediately after installation,decreasing construction time and increasing productivity. Both productsare FloorScore® certified for indoor air quality, are manufactured in afacility meeting ISO 14001 standards and can help earn Leadership inEnergy and Environmental Design (LEED®) certification points.For more information on Johsonite’s Color Essence and Azterrasolutions, visit JohnsoniteFor more than 100 years, Johnsonite has been a leading provider ofinnovative flooring solutions that integrate function, design, life safetyand sustainability to enhance productivity in commercial spaces.Johnsonite is the North American commercial brand of the TarkettGroup, which manufactures and markets integrated flooring, flooringaccessories and sports surface solutions to professionals and end usersin 100 countries and from 29 production sites and, with 2009 revenuesof €1.7 billion, is a leading global flooring supplier. Tarkett and itsJohnsonite brand are committed to providing solutions that balance eachcomponent of the triple bottom line: people, the environment andeconomics. Johnsonite’s mission is geared toward enhancing theproductivity and well being of the people who design, manufacture,distribute and live and work with their products daily. Johnsonite isheadquartered in Chagrin Falls, Ohio, with operations locatedthroughout North America. For more information and

With a history spanning over 140 years, Tarkett is a worldwide leader in innovative flooring and sports surface solutions, with net sales of more than €3 billion in 2019. Offering a wide range of products including vinyl, linoleum, rubber, carpet, wood and laminate flooring, artificial turf and athletics tracks, the Group serves customers in over 100 countries across the globe. Tarkett has 12,500 employees and 33 industrial sites, and sells 1.3 million square meters of flooring every day, for hospitals, schools, housing, hotels, offices, stores and sports fields. Committed to changing the game with circular economy, the Group has implemented an eco-innovation strategy based on Cradle to Cradle® principles, with the ultimate goal of contributing to people’s health and wellbeing, and preserving natural capital. Tarkett is listed on Euronext Paris (compartment B, ISIN: FR0004188670, ticker: TKTT) and is included in the following indices: SBF 120 and CAC Mid 60 indexes.

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