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Zahra Rug

Silver Award
Crafted in India of 100% wool, this hand-knotted, zero pile rug infuses bold, modern color into patterns that pay homage to the rich tradition of Persian rug artistry. Inspired by the beauty of well-worn antiques, each knot is hand tied and the pile is repeatedly trimmed and washed, creating the look of a vintage rug that is at once modern and timeless.


In contrast to the synthetic fibers used in many carpets and rugs, wool is a renewable resource that is both energy efficient and biodegradable. It has a minimal carbon footprint and, when appropriately disposed of, will decompose without producing harmful residues.


Suggested price for a 5’6” x 8’6”: $999


Minimal shedding | Well-suited for high traffic areas | Custom sizes and additional colorways available

Surya Contract is a leading source for coordinating rugs and accessories for the contract industry. Experts at translating the latest fashion and decor trends into products that are both beautiful and durable, Surya’s experienced design team collaborates closely with each customer to create inspired designs that set spaces apart. When install dates are tight, customers can choose from a selection of more than 50,000 in-stock rugs, pillows, lighting and art in a wide array of colors, patterns and textures. Environmentally conscious, Surya Contract uses sustainable and eco-friendly materials, including natural dyes, renewable fibers and recycled materials, whenever possible.

140 Executive Drive
Calhoun GA 30701
United States
(404) 642-3825
Surya, & is part of Archinterious/ADEX Awards™. All content, graphics are copyright © with publisher. Any commercial use or distribution without the express written consent of publisher is strictly prohibited.
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