Among the most energy-efficient roofing options available today, Matterhorn Metal Roofing replicates the architecture and charm of traditional wood shake, slate and barrel tile roofing while providing superior wind, fire and impact resistance. Matterhorn Metal Roofing is 100 percent recyclable, and offers 16 solar-reflecting color options that can be used to comply with California Title 24 cool roof requirements. Matterhorn Metal Roofing’s cool roof colors reflect more of the sun’s rays than traditional roofing, lowering roof surface temperatures by 50-70°F, reducing air-conditioning needs, lowering energy bills and improving indoor comfort. Roofs built with Matterhorn Metal Roofing have a useful life expectancy of more than 50 years – more than double the average roof lifespan. Innovative, sustainable and award-winning, Matterhorn Metal Roofing is an ideal long-term roofing solution for both residential and light commercial applications.