SlimLine Photosensor Provides Alternative Mountingfor Daylight Harvesting Applications with Indirect Lighting Small Footprint (3.10 dia.) ideal for mounting directly on luminairesThe new SlimLine Photosensor from Lighting Control & Design is the solution for daylight harvesting applications with indirect lighting.In certain situations, indirect luminaries throw light onto the ceiling where the photosensor is traditionally mounted and in order to operate successfully, a photosensor can not “look directly at electric lighting. LC&D's solution, the SlimLine, is not mounted on the ceiling but rather on the bottom of an indirect luminaire, thus allowing it to “look below the luminaire and get the proper light reading.The Slimline Photosensor comes in two styles: a Local Photosensor where each dimmer or relay has its own trigger point; Global Photosensor, which may have up to 14 global trigger points for relays. The SlimLine is extremely small (1/3 wide) and will not blemish the architectural look of the luminaire. A single SlimLine photosensor can control all daylight harvesting requirements for one room. Features include unprecedented local and remote adjustments for daylight harvesting and dimming including time delay, trim (low and high), baseline, dimming curve and more.LC&D's SimLine PPhotosensor comes in two styles: Local Photosensor (#iPC-SL: Used only with the MicroPanels integrated, distributed control panels which have on-board photosensor inputs. Every dimmer or relay in one MicroPanel may have its own trigger point or “follow me dim level.Global Photosensor (#iPC-SG): Photosensors (when combined with a photocell card) may have up to 14 global trigger points for relays or an unlimited number of “follow me dim levels in as many as 64 control panels. Ideal for wide-area applications such as warehouses or atriums.For more information: www.lightingcontrols.com