The Mixed Medium Vertical Gardens are constructed using TreeScapes' artificial UltaLeaf™ foliage which requires no water and no pesticides or herbicides.
The list price of the Vertical Gardens range from $3,000-$5,000 for a 4ft wide x 8ft high wall. Prices are determined by materials selected for each individual wall.
The Watusi is influenced by African Culture and combines TreeScapes UltraLeaf-IFR™ foliage with a high quality, cotton fabric blend imported from Gabon, Africa.
International TreeScapes, has earned worldwide recognition as the leading creator of the most cost-effective, and authentic preserved, replica and custom fabricated trees and plants for indoor and outdoor uses. TreeScapes products are alternatives to the live and artificial plant materials presently being used for interiorscape and exterior applications. For more information visit our web site at www.treescapes.com or call our sales representatives at 800-527-8884.