EZ-MAX Plus relay lighting control panels combine the powerand performance of the larger Z-MAX Plus relay lightingcontrol panels in compact and cost-effective 4/8-circuitand 16/24-circuit models. EZ-MAX Plus is the ideal solutionfor smaller, stand-alone applications that do not require thefield configuration or advanced networking features of thelarger Z-MAX Plus panels.The EZ-MAX Plus switching circuit offers an unprecedented1,000,000 cycle life for unmatched durability. For maximumequipment protection, the standard 30A relay card has ashort circuit current rating (SCCR) of 18,000A to allow it towithstand higher current inrushes caused by short circuitconditions. Low-voltage inputs allow connection of photocells,occupancy sensors, low-voltage switches and digitalswitches for a comprehensive yet easily installed energymanagement solution.Designed in a compact, 13 x 13 (4/8-circuit model) or20-1/4 x 34 (16/24-circuit model) standard electricalenclosure, EZ-MAX Plus is engineered to be contractorfriendly, quick to install and simple to configure.applications ¢ Smart replacement for time clock/contactor installations